Featured Work
Because we produce highly strategic work, most of our client work is under strict NDAs. This page contains select client deliverables we can share publicly and provide glimpses into our Strategic Worldbuilding™ process.
United Nations High Commission for Refugees
This project for the United Nations High Commission for Refugees explored the future of refugee crises and their evolving narratives using Strategic Worldbuilding™. It includes evidence-based scenarios, high-level recommendations, and design fiction.
Sitra Fund
The Finnish Parliament’s endowment for the future wanted to understand the future of democracy using Strategic Worldbuilding™. This keynote [starting at 8:40] contains an overview of the scenarios produced for Sitra, exploring themes such as the metaverse, environmental collapse, and the role of politicians.
Nuclear Waste Management Organization
What might society look like in 100-200 years? NWMO wanted to understand how the world might change in order to explore the implications of those changes for nuclear waste using Strategic Worldbuilding™. This keynote contains evidence-based future worlds produced for their organization.
Prescient reports